Autógyújtogatás nélkül Svédországban sincs szilveszter | VIDEÓ
2023.01.02. 12:20
Amint arról a is beszámolt, Németországban kemény buli volt szilveszter éjjel.

De jól láthatóan nem csak a németeknél volt nagy buli.
Svédországban úgy gyújtogatták az autókat, mintha kötelező lenne.
New Year's in 'Enriched' Islamized Sweden
Murders, Fights, Fires, and Rockets Fired at Police, Citizens, and their Homes
Remind me again, what benefits open borders has Sweden experienced since flooding their country with third-world migrants?
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) January 1, 2023
Stockholm, Sweden
Hordes of military-age migrants from 3rd world countries are launching fireworks at people's homes and cars.
Allahu Akbar!
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) January 1, 2023
Belgiumban is megvadultak az illetékesek.
New Year's Eve in Islamized Belgium!
Enrichers celebrated with their annual Burning of Cars! We were lucky to have footage of the 1st car going up in flames
Did you know that one-third of the country’s population is of foreign origin, and in Brussels, Belgians are the minority
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) January 1, 2023
Gerard Darmanin francia belügyminiszter pedig azt ünnepelte, hogy szilveszter éjjel „csak” 490 embert vettek őrizetbe (szinte kizárólag rendőrök elleni támadás miatt), és „csak” 690 autót gyújtottak fel.
New Year's Eve in Nantes, France.
Enrichers set a person's car on fire around 10 p.m., – several more vehicles went up in flames around 11 p.m.
Firefighters and police were greeted by migrants throwing fireworks, Molotov cocktails, and other projectiles.
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) January 1, 2023