Címke: george soros
A hírek szerint a Nyílt Társadalom Alapítvány, a Rockefeller Alapítvány és a Biden-adminisztráció egy „ellenzéki média” szervezetet finanszíroz, amely irodát nyit Magyarországon.
Úgy látszik, a többszöri bukás nem vette el a kedvét. Clinton korábbi tanácsadója szerint Hillary arra készül, hogy 2024-ben újra elindul az elnöki székért.
Beverly Hills városi tanácsa egyhangúan támogatja a Soros György által támogatott George Gascón kerületi ügyész visszahívását
Vajon mire készül a kis Soros???
Az amerikai milliárdos nem sajnálja a pénzt, két kézzel szórja azt annak érdekében, hogy ne Donald Trump legyen az elnök a 2020-as választást követően.
Orbán: The role of Soros in European politics cannot be disregarded
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave an interview to the German Sunday newspaper Welt am Sonntag.
This is Hungary's solution to tackle the decline in population
In his annual State of the Nation speech, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced tax benefits and subsidies to support families. After all, it is far more respectable to help native families than invite immigrants from a foreign culture - a lesson that applies not just for Hungary, but for the entire European Union as well.
This is why the European Parliament's attack on Hungary failed completely
On Wednesday, the European Parliament decided to attack Hungary once more before the elections take place in May, which is why the occasion was more akin to an aggressive campaign event than an actual debate. In this context, it was no wonder that the bureaucrats of Brussels turned to their favourite subject: Hungary and the state of democracy within the country.
The Budapest protesters are Soros' dishonest provocateurs in disguise
For days now, MPs from the Hungarian opposition are trying to provoke a conflict with the police in hopes of accusing the Hungarian government of being a brutal dictatorship. Of course, it is all a facade, and even though there is clear evidence for this, the left-leaning media is all too happy to assist the dishonest MPs in their endeavour - showing us exactly what the problem is with mainstream media and leftist, liberal politicians nowadays.